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It is well known that Switzerland is one of the most popular scenic pots for tourists. In my mind, Switzerland is a beauty, who deeply attracts my attention. In fact, I really want to visit it. Luckily, I recently had the opportunity to explore it. Switzerland is a country renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and high quality of life. The beauty of Switzerland is not only the natural scenery of lakes and mountains, but also the humanity and exquisite towns. I had experienced an indelible and wonderful time in Switzerland and it just likes a romantic dating.

Best Things To Do In Switzerland

Interlaken: A Paradise for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Location: Bernese Oberland region, Central Switzerland

My journey begins in the picturesque town of Interlaken, nestled between the crystal-clear waters of Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, and surrounded by the towering peaks of the Swiss Alps.

Arriving at Interlaken, I was immediately struck by the majestic beauty that surrounded me. It was a scene straight out of a postcard, and I began my journey from there. Towering peaks loomed in the distance, their snow-capped summits glistening in the sunlight, while lush green valleys stretched out before me, dotted with picturesque villages and crystal-clear lakes.

One of the highlights of my time in Interlaken was the unforgettable journey to the Jungfraujoch, often referred to as the “Top of Europe.” Boarding the cogwheel train in Interlaken, I embarked on a scenic ride through the picturesque countryside, ascending through verdant meadows and rocky gorges as the train made its way up to the high-altitude station.

But it wasn’t just the natural beauty of Interlaken that captivated me – it was also the town’s charming atmosphere and friendly locals. From strolling along the picturesque promenade to sampling delicious Swiss chocolates at local cafes, every moment spent in Interlaken was a delight.

As the train climbed higher and higher, the landscape transformed before my eyes, with jagged peaks and icy glaciers coming into view. Stepping off the train at the Jungfraujoch station, I was greeted by a breathtaking panorama of snow-covered mountains and pristine alpine wilderness stretching as far as the eye could see. It was a truly awe-inspiring sight, and I felt privileged to stand at the top of Europe, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Swiss Alps.

After descending from the Jungfraujoch, I decided to explore the charming village of Mürren, nestled high in the mountains above Interlaken. Accessible only by cable car, Mürren is a car-free haven of tranquility, with traditional wooden chalets and flower-filled meadows lining its winding streets.

Wandering through the village, I was captivated by its rustic charm and stunning mountain views. I stopped for lunch at a cozy mountain restaurant, where I savored hearty Swiss cuisine and homemade chocolates while soaking in the peaceful ambiance of this idyllic alpine retreat.

The journey to Interlaken would be incomplete without a cruise on the crystal-clear waters of Lake Brienz. Boarding a vintage paddle steamer, I set out to explore the tranquil beauty of this pristine alpine lake, surrounded by towering mountains and lush forests.

As the boat glided across the water, I marveled at the stunning scenery that unfolded around me. From charming lakeside villages to secluded bays and hidden waterfalls, Lake Brienz offered a glimpse into the natural wonders of the Swiss Alps, and I felt a sense of peace and serenity wash over me as I sailed along its tranquil shores.

My final stop in Interlaken was the picturesque village of Grindelwald, a paradise for outdoor adventurers and nature lovers. With its network of hiking trails, mountain bike routes, and adrenaline-pumping activities, Grindelwald offered endless opportunities for exploration and adventure.

Geneva: Where History Meets Innovation

Location: Geneva, Western Switzerland

Next stop on my Swiss adventure is the cosmopolitan city of Geneva, located on the shores of Lake Geneva and surrounded by the majestic Alps. As I explored the streets of Geneva, I was struck by the city’s unique blend of history and innovation.

Geneva, often referred to as the “City of Peace,” is a vibrant metropolis nestled along the shores of Lake Geneva. After visiting Interlaken, I arrived at Geneva by a scenic train ride from Interlaken, offering picturesque views of the Swiss countryside and the majestic Alps in the distance. Upon arrival, I was deeply moved by the city’s cosmopolitan atmosphere and rich cultural heritage.

My first activity in Geneva was exploring the shores of Lake Geneva, a shimmering expanse of water that lies at the heart of the city. Strolling along the promenade, I was treated to panoramic views of the lake and the surrounding mountains, dotted with elegant parks and gardens where locals and visitors alike gathered to relax and unwind.

Then I arrived at St. Peter’s Cathedral, a magnificent Gothic masterpiece that dominates the city skyline. As I stepped inside the ancient walls of the cathedral, I was struck by the sense of history and reverence that permeated the air. Exploring its soaring nave and intricately carved chapels, I marveled at the craftsmanship and dedication that went into creating this architectural marvel.

One of Geneva’s most iconic landmarks is the Jet d’Eau, a towering water fountain that shoots a plume of water 140 meters into the air. As I approached the fountain, I was mesmerized by the sight of water glistening in the sunlight, casting rainbows in every direction. It was a truly spectacular sight, and I couldn’t resist snapping a few photos to capture the moment.

But Geneva is not just known for its natural beauty – it’s also a hub of international diplomacy and innovation. I had the opportunity to visit the United Nations Office at Geneva and learn about the important work being done to promote peace and human rights around the world. It was a humbling experience that left me feeling inspired.

My final stop in Geneva was the famous Flower Clock, a stunning botanical masterpiece located in the city’s English Garden. As I admired the intricate design of the clock, made entirely of flowers and plants, I was struck by the creativity and artistry that went into its creation. It was a fitting symbol of Geneva’s commitment to beauty and innovation, and I felt privileged to have witnessed it in person. It was amazing and beautiful, so many tourists took photos there. I think it is an pretty artwork, which brings the encounter of nature and wisdom of mankind.

Zurich: A City of Culture and Creativity

Location: Zurich, Northern Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city and economic powerhouse, is a vibrant metropolis that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity. My journey to Zurich began with a scenic train ride from Geneva, offering stunning views of the Swiss countryside and the majestic Alps in the distance. I also like this pretty city.

One of the first stops on my itinerary was the Grossmünster, Zurich’s most iconic landmark. Stepping inside the ancient walls of the cathedral, I was struck by the grandeur of its architecture and the sense of history that permeated the air. Climbing the narrow staircase to the top of the tower, I was rewarded with panoramic views of the city below, with the sparkling waters of the Limmat River winding their way through the heart of Zurich.

Bahnhofstrasse, one of the world’s most exclusive shopping streets. As I wandered past luxury boutiques and designer stores, I couldn’t help but be tempted by the array of high-end fashion and Swiss watches on display. Although my budget didn’t quite stretch to a shopping spree, I enjoyed soaking up the vibrant atmosphere and admiring the elegant storefronts that lined the street.

Another wonderful thing of my time in Zurich was a visit to the Fraumünster, a historic church renowned for its stunning stained glass windows. Stepping inside the airy nave, I was immediately struck by the ethereal beauty of the windows, which bathed the interior in a kaleidoscope of color. Each window told a story from the Bible, and I found myself captivated by the intricate details and craftsmanship that went into their creation.

I enjoyed this journey to Switzerland. It is a beauty, a fairy tale world, a pretty scenic spot. In Switzerland, I found myself and enjoy the time with myself. Switzerland is a destination that truly has it all – breathtaking scenery, vibrant cities, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality. Whether you’re seeking adventure in the great outdoors or relaxation in a charming village, Switzerland offers something for every traveler. So pack your bags, come and relax yourself.

Another wonderful scenic spot is Lucerne. This picturesque destination, with its crystal-clear waters and surrounding mountains, promised a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You can visit Lake Lucerne, Old Town Lucerne and the Swiss Alps there.

Before Travel To Switzerland


You can enter Switzerland with a valid Schengen visa issued by any country.


It is recommended to buy a phone card in advance before traveling. It is not only cheap but can also be used directly. If you need to buy a phone card after arriving in Switzerland, you need to go to the local communications company with a valid ID. The process is cumbersome and expensive.

Climate and Clothing Guide

Take windbreakers, jackets and other lightweight coats with windproof in Spring and Autumn.

Take T-shirt and a coat in Summer because the temperature varies widely from day to night.

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